Saturday, March 16, 2013

Children's Museums - Put one in every vacant storefront!

One day I was driving the school bus thinking about how was I going to wade through all this information on starting a children's museum.  For those of you with kids or grandkids, children's museums feature exhibits that allow kids to hands on play with them and learn!  And I was reading the comments from the "Crookston In Motion" survey results, where the biggest concern was filling downtown vacant storefronts.  Well, who says we have to have a business in the main floors of our vacant buildings?  Why not make Crookston one big children's museum?  We can feature science in the former Rexall Drug store, language skills in another building, art of course is already planned for the former cathedral on Ash Street.  Voila, just a bigger concept than the "Young at HArt Center."  For those who haven't read the proposal for the cathedral.  Here's the link:

There is no reason why we can't work on this project at the same time as our rehab grant application goes in for the former cathedral!  I'm thinking that meetings on Saturday mornings at the Library will be a good time to get together and watch the dvd, and start reading how to do it right!  Watch this space for a date. 

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